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Eli Ansara

Eli Ansara

Birthday: | Place of Birth:

Eli Ansara is a writer, creator, and actor. Although he is not formally trained, nor attended university for film making, Elias can attribute much of his wisdom to his study of cinema. He may not have sat in any classes, but he sat through film after film, day after day, year after year. He paid attention to the greats, and the the not so greats too, hoping to be a great himself some day. Elias began playing Dungeons and Dragons with his uncle at a young age, and found his love for portraying characters right next to his dice. Elias is a story teller at heart, and his passion for bringing stories to life will never falter.


Known For

What We Become
What We Become

What We Become   2023


Punteggio: 7.5

Adventure  /  Action
Kyle Kimlick  /  Eli Ansara  /  Alayna Patten


What We Become

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