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Raz Fritz

Raz Fritz

Birthday: 1998-10-01 | Place of Birth: Paris, France

Raz Fritz is a 22 year old actor based in Los Angeles, California. At an early age Raz was fascinated by cinema and the art of acting. He looks to embody characters with unique and compelling stories to tell, and his goal is for them to transcend the screen and leave the viewer with a lasting impression. His love for acting has driven him to refine all facets of his craft, It has allowed Raz to be a part of numerous award winning short films as well as worldwide commercials.


Known For

West of Calico
West of Calico

West of Calico   2021


Punteggio: 6.8

Drama  /  Western
Raz Fritz


West of Calico

as    Bo Brooks

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