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Sarah Taibah

Sarah Taibah

Birthday: | Place of Birth: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,

Sarah Taibah is an artist, writer and actress, born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1989. She completed her MFA from Academy of Art university in San Francisco. In 2015, and jumped around many residencies in Europe. Sarah founded her own Illustration and Design house "Rasma & Kilma" while acting and writing at the same time. Sarah has always been interested in women related topics as themes for her work. Sarah experiments with multiple mediums and often connects through materials in an attempt to ventilate her artistic abilities in multiple forms including acting, writing, poetry, performance art, and illustration.


Known For

Very Nice
Very Nice

Very Nice   2022


Punteggio: 8.5

Drama  /  Comedy

Cast: Saad Abd Al Aziz /  Rahaf Ibrahim /  Sarah Taibah / 

Deliverance: A Women's Revolt
Deliverance: A Women's Revolt

Deliverance: A Women's Revolt   2021


Punteggio: 5.5



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