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Jesse Schratz

Jesse Schratz

Birthday: 2007-10-03 | Place of Birth: New Jersey, USA

Jesse Schratz is an actor, born and raised in Northern New Jersey. He started acting at the age of 7 and has been in several films, tv shows, and music videos. He is an all around athlete playing in three sports; football, wrestling, and baseball for his home town. Football is his favorite sport and he was honored in 2017 with the Defense Player of the year award when he helped take his team to the Peewee Super Bowel with an undefeated year. For his 2018 season he was one of the youngest Captains on the team.


Known For

Running Scared
Running Scared

Running Scared   2019


Punteggio: 5.6

Drama  /  Family
Jackson Lynch  /  Carter Harcek  /  Jesse Schratz


Running Scared

as    Jaz Ethin McCloud

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