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Kielan Ellis

Kielan Ellis

Birthday: 2001-07-28 | Place of Birth: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Kielan Ellis is a Canadian film director, screenwriter and composer. He is known for his short film Nathan Daniel Philips (2018) and his feature film debut Conference Call (2018). Kielan is the founder of the company Geminus Studios, which is a production and distribution company aiming to bring together young filmmakers' work onto one easily accessible platform. He often collaborates with his sister, Ariana Ellis (executive producer of Conference Call), as well as close friends, editor Will Gotlib (Nathan Daniel Philips, Conference Call), cinematographer Jack Hillier (Nathan Daniel Philips, Conference Call) and actor Ben Jeffries (Nathan Daniel Philips, Conference Call).


Known For

Take Two
Take Two

Take Two   1


Punteggio: 0

Kielan Ellis


Take Two

as    Liam

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