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Sayef Turan

Sayef Turan

Birthday: 2000-09-18 | Place of Birth: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sayef Turan is a Bangladeshi Author , Digital Creator , Entrepreneur & Influencer who was born on 18th September 2000 in Narayanganj city which is the southeast of capital city Dhaka.He is known for the book "How To Ensure Safe Internet" which was published in the year 2019.One year later he published another book named "The Tremble Guest House".He has become very popular on multiple platform of social media by helping people through his diverse work.He is the co-founder of "Bangladesh Civilian Force" which is now one of the leading nonprofit organization focused on human rights in the digital world.He is the youngest & most versatile Digital Entrepreneur of Bangladesh


Known For

The Tremble Guest House
The Tremble Guest House

The Tremble Guest House   2020


Punteggio: 0

Sayef Turan


The Tremble Guest House

as    Musician

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