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Jino Kang

Jino Kang

Birthday: | Place of Birth:

Jino Kang personifies exactly what The Good, the Tough, and the Deadly: Action Movies and Stars is all about. He follows in the footsteps of the greats - guys like Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jeff Speakman, and Don "The Dragon" Wilson ... he's a rare type of action star. His movies are homegrown, carefully constructed films, infused with his own personal philosophies, each showcasing his impressive Hapkido martial arts abilities. He's a rare breed in that he not only stars in his films, but he's also the writer, producer, and director.


Known For

Fist 2 Fist
Fist 2 Fist

Fist 2 Fist   2011


Punteggio: 3.5

Adventure  /  Action  /  Thriller
Jino Kang  /  James Hiser  /  Tim Lajcik


Fist 2 Fist

as    Ken

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