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Brielle Cotello

Brielle Cotello

Birthday: | Place of Birth:

Brielle is an Actress/Photographer based out of New York/New Jersey. She has done theatre most of her life but went to Monmouth University to double focus in Television/Radio and PR/Journalism to learn all aspects of the field. She has recently broke into the film scene with her leading role in the upcoming feature Snatchers and is ambitious to flourish her career with future films. Brielle has also filled up her time with photography working anything from events and new born photography to New York City's Fashion Week 2017. She has also been an exclusive photographer for several celebrities, such as Love & Hip Hop's Rah Ali.


Known For

The Creeper's Curse
The Creeper's Curse

The Creeper's Curse   2019


Punteggio: 0

Hunter Hoffman  /  Asta Paredes  /  Evan Williams


The Creeper's Curse

as    Witch

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