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Ashleigh van der Hoven

Ashleigh van der Hoven

Birthday: | Place of Birth:

Ashleigh van der Hoven was born in Cape Town, South Africa. Having always been a performer, her love for acting became evident during her time spent at boarding school in Grahamstown, the Arts capital of South Africa. After High School, Ashleigh spent a year in Los Angeles, studying at the Stella Adler Acting Academy but returned to Cape Town to complete a degree in Finance & Economics at University of Cape Town, where acting took a side seat. Since then she has landed a few roles in International Feature films, as well as opting to learn and hone her craft through her full time studies at ACT Cape Town (graduating Dec 2016).


Known For

Cut-Out Girls
Cut-Out Girls

Cut-Out Girls   2018


Punteggio: 5.5


Cut-Out Girls

as    Clea

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