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Huo Weimin

Huo Weimin

Birthday: 1955-11-18 | Place of Birth: Tianjin,China

Huo Weimin, a veteran actor from Mainland China, has been a performer for more than 40 years since he joined the Henan Jiaozuo Drama Troupe in '78. He has been on stage for more than ten years, starring in more than ten plays, including "From the Silent", "Who is Strong", "Silent in the Night", "The People's Secretary" and "The Man from Taihang Mountain". After that, he studied at the Central Academy of Drama in 1990, where he underwent systematic, scientific and rigorous acting training and theory studies. Afterwards, he acted in many films and dramas such as "Good Father, Good Mother", "The Red Spider", "What's the Mian Ji Meeting", "The Maze of the Heart", "February Spring" and "The Hunt". My motto: "Be an honest person, act seriously".


Known For

Croc Tsunami
Croc Tsunami

Croc Tsunami   2021


Punteggio: 4.6

Drama  /  Horror  /  Action
Rong Fei  /  Wang Yinglu  /  Canti Lau Sek-Ming


Croc Tsunami

as    Uncle Le

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