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Ximena de Anda

Ximena de Anda

Birthday: 1984-03-01 | Place of Birth: Mexico City, Distrito Federal

Ximena de Anda is an actress, activist and teacher. She started doing theater from a very young age, she studied Dramatic Literature and Theater at the FFyL of the UNAM, who later gave her a scholarship to study for a year in California at UCSB. Ximena has taken diplomas in musical comedy and singing and dancing courses. Ximena has participated in television programs and has been a teacher for 17 years. Together with a friend, they support young people and children to develop their dreams of being artists through their "Fundación Sin Imposibles". Tireless traveler, always seeking to support noble and just causes.


Known For

Little Eggs: A Frozen Rescue
Little Eggs: A Frozen Rescue

Little Eggs: A Frozen Rescue   2022


Punteggio: 5.4

Adventure  /  Animation  /  Comedy
Bruno Bichir  /  Carlos Espejel  /  Angélica Vale


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